brendiskis plats

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The pics from December

As my laptop got infected by a bloody "trojan" virus.. I decided to start posting my pictures in a blog and at the same time... to write some stories about them...

Well, the best solution for not loosing all your pictures is to create a back-up... that I will do ofcourse... but I think is also cool to make a weblog...I kind of had the idea before.. but I've become a very busy person... !!!

So... after I've finished with some important issues of my Master Programme in Sweden...I have decided to start a new build my Blog....yes! I'm becoming part of the new internet era...and this is the first official message to be posted...

ok... I must mention that the first name of this blog is "Brenda".... quite simple... but I will get better ideas soon and will change it later on.. ok?

applauder och castaƱas!


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